ppdlcoverartIf you arrived here looking for a free PDF copy of this book:

Painting A Portrait by de László (as told to A. L. Baldry)

you’ve come to the right place.

Click on the title link above and you will be able to download a new (2013) PDF version of this 1934 book which I created. Painting A Portrait by de László (2013) is a LARGE file (about 200MB) because I used high resolution (300 dpi) images. It may take 2 or 3 minutes to download.

My version of Painting A Portrait by de László is a 95-page book containing all the original text plus added commentary in notes at the bottom of pages (which I put in for my benefit because I created the book for my personal use). I used a 6 x 9 template that should easily fit most larger kindle/nook/tablets.

This new PDF version of Painting A Portrait by de László contains bookmarks, hyperlinks from the ToC to major heading/illustrations, and from major headings/illustrations back to the ToC for ease of navigation. There are also hyperlinks to various websites which supply additional information which I have found and still find helpful.

In this updated version of Painting A Portrait by de László I have also provided new color photos of the paintings that appear in the second section of the book and I have linked to them (at their various museums) where possible.

For my original dedicated de Laszlo site see IndraAnderson.Wordpress.com. This site is a mirror till I get all the information moved.

Painting A Portrait by de László as told to A. L. Baldry went into the public domain in 1961 in the US and in 2007 in the UK. However, this is the first time anyone’s bothered to make a modern typeset, updated version available in an e-format.

I love Philip de László. I own the book from which this PDF was made and I refer to it often. It’s made me a better artist, a better art critic, and a better person. I wanted a modern e-version to carry around for easy reference. Too, I don’t have to worry about getting my original dirty!

I share Painting A Portrait by de László  with you in hopes that you will share it with others and someday people will realise (once again): de Laszlo was one of the greatest portrait artists ever.

If you are interested in reading the original book without any additional commentary, by clicking on the title here you can download a scanned PDF of the original 1934 Painting A Portrait by De László.I created this 81-page PFD from my copy of the book using 150 dpi resolution. It’s 18.5 MB.

If you appreciate this work, please consider making a donation to The de László Archive Trust, a registered UK charity.


  1. Thanks for answering. I wish I could see that file but still am unable to view it. The system returns as if the object does not exist.

      • Renato,
        I have sent you the file for the smaller,original version. Unfortunately the larger version is too large to be sent via email, which has a max of 25 MB.

        I did ask friends to specifically download from the website the larger, new version on to various devices and no one had a problem, so I’m not sure why it’s not working for you.

        Unfortunately even zipped, the larger file is still large because zip doesn’t compress photos and I used the high quality images.

        So sorry I can’t be of more help!

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